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Top Five Strategies for Making the Most of Your Internship (part 1)

Congratulations! You have completed one of the hardest, most time-consuming aspects of the process…finding an internship. Now you just need to figure out what to wear and where you’ll go to lunch every day, right?

Well, not quite. Actually, there are a few things you should know and do as you progress through your internship. Many interns have used these top five strategies for making the most of their internship experience.

1. Be a "Suzy or Johnny Good Intern"

Remember the kid who always sat at the front of the class, always listened intently to the teacher, always eagerly rose his or her hand when the teacher asked a question? Basically, he or she displayed all of the qualities of a "Suzy or Johnny Good Student." When it comes to an internship, you want to be this kid. You want to show your employer that you are a "Suzy of Johnny Good Intern."

Show your employer you are a good intern by showing up when you are scheduled, being on time, using your time efficiently, limiting socializing with other co-workers, minimizing break and lunch hour abuse and avoiding the gossip and rumor-mill. This is especially crucial if you are hoping to move toward a full-time job with your employer following graduation. You’ve probably already figured this one out, but employers generally believe that "Suzy or Johnny Good Interns" tend to make "Suzy or Johnny Good Full-Time Employees".

Proceed to Strategy Number 2

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