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Top Five Strategies for Making the Most of Your Internship (part 5)

5. Gather "Portfolio Fillers"

In many cases, your internship can give you a lot more than just a new entry for your resume. If your employer will grant permission, try to gather some items for your portfolio. A portfolio is something you should develop throughout your college career to use in your future job search. "Portfolio fillers" may include copies/summaries of completed projects, positive performance reviews/supervisor feedback, and letters of recommendation.

A letter of recommendation from your supervisor can be especially powerful for your future job search. Always be sure to ask your supervisor if he or she will write one for you (never assume they will automatically do this for you) and be sure to give them ample time to complete the letter. If your supervisor is very busy, it may be helpful for you to provide a list of your accomplishments throughout the internship. Bringing this information to future full-time job interviews will give you a definite advantage over others without it.

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In conclusion, there are many ways to use an internship to your advantage. We encourage you to apply some of the suggestions made in this article. By doing so, you will be sure to ensure your success and make the most of your internship!

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